1. Overview
  2. How to verify the bank account for sending international payments
    1. The reimbursement account is in USD
    2. The reimbursement account is in AUD, CAD, GBP, EUR
  3. How to start reimbursing internationally
  4. Deep Dive
    1. Documents requested
  5. FAQ
  6. How many people can send reimbursements internationally?
  7. How long does it take to verify an account for international payments?
  8. If I already have a USD bank account connected to Expensify, do I need to go through the verification process again to enable international payments?
  9. My employee says they don’t have the option to add their non-USD bank account as a deposit account – what should they do?
  10. Who is the “Authorized User” on the International Reimbursement DocuSign form?
  11. Who should I enter as the “User” on the International Reimbursement form?

Global Reimbursements


If your company’s business bank account is in the US, Canada, the UK, Europe, or Australia, you now have the option to send direct reimbursements to nearly any country across the globe! The process to enable global reimbursements is dependent on the currency of your reimbursement bank account, so be sure to review the corresponding instructions below.

How to verify the bank account for sending international payments

The steps for USD accounts and non-USD accounts differ slightly.

The reimbursement account is in USD

First, confirm the workspace settings are set up correctly by doing the following:

  1. Head to Settings > Workspaces > Group > [Workspace Name] > Reports and check that the workspace currency is USD
  2. Under Settings > Workspaces > Group > [Workspace Name] > Reimbursements, set the reimbursement method to direct
  3. Under Settings > Workspaces > Group > [Workspace Name] > Reimbursements, set the USD bank account to the default account

Once that’s all set, head to Settings > Account > Payments, and click Enable Global Reimbursement on the bank account.

From there, you’ll fill out a form via DocuSign. Once the form is complete, it is automatically sent to our Compliance Team for review. If additional information is required, our Support Team will contact you with more details.

The reimbursement account is in AUD, CAD, GBP, EUR

First, confirm the workspace currency corresponds with the currency of the reimbursement bank account. You can do this under Settings > Workspaces > Group > [Workspace Name] > Reports. It should be AUD, CAD, GBP, or EUR.

Next, add the bank account to Expensify:

  1. Head to Settings > Workspaces > Group > [Workspace Name] > Reimbursements and set the reimbursement method to direct (this button may not show for up to 60 minutes after the Expensify team confirms international reimbursements are available on your account)
  2. Click Add Business Bank Account
  3. If the incorrect country shows as the default, click Switch Country to select the correct country
  4. Enter the bank account details
  5. Click Save & Continue

From there, you’ll fill out a form via DocuSign. Once the form is complete, it is automatically sent to our Compliance Team for review. If additional information is required, our Support Team will contact you with more details.

How to start reimbursing internationally

After the bank account is verified for international payments, set the correct bank account as the reimbursement account.

You can do this under Settings > Workspaces > Group > [Workspace Name] > Reimbursements by selecting the reimbursement account as the default account.

Finally, have your employees add their deposit-only bank accounts. They can do this by logging into their Expensify accounts, heading to Settings > Account > Payments, and clicking Add Deposit-Only Bank Account.

Deep Dive

Documents requested

Our Compliance Team may ask for additional information depending on who initiates the verification or what information you provide on the DocuSign form.

Examples of additional requested information:

  • The reimburser’s proof of address and ID
  • Company directors’ proofs of address and IDs
  • An authorization letter
  • An independently certified documentation such as shareholder agreement from a lawyer, notary, or public accountant if an individual owns more than 25% of the company

How many people can send reimbursements internationally?

Once your company is authorized to send global payments, the individual who verified the bank account can share it with additional admins on the workspace. That way, multiple workspace members can send international reimbursements.

How long does it take to verify an account for international payments?

It varies! The verification process can take a few business days to several weeks. It depends on whether or not the information in the DocuSign form is correct if our Compliance Team requires any additional information, and how responsive the employee verifying the company’s details is to our requests.

If I already have a USD bank account connected to Expensify, do I need to go through the verification process again to enable international payments?

If you’ve already connected a US business bank account, you can request to enable global reimbursements by contacting Expensify Support immediately. However, additional steps are required to verify the bank account for international payments.

My employee says they don’t have the option to add their non-USD bank account as a deposit account – what should they do?

Have the employee double-check that their default workspace is set as the workspace that’s connected to the bank you’re using to send international payments.

An employee can confirm their default workspace is under Settings > Workspaces > Group. The default workspace has a green checkmark next to it. They can change their default workspace by clicking Default Workspace on the correct workspace.

Who is the “Authorized User” on the International Reimbursement DocuSign form?

This is the person who will process international reimbursements. The authorized user should be the same person who manages the bank account connection in Expensify.

Who should I enter as the “User” on the International Reimbursement form?

You can leave this form section blank since the “User” is Expensify.

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