1. FAQ

Merge accounts

Expensify Classic

If you have two Expensify accounts (for example, a personal account and a separate account for your company), you can combine the two accounts by merging them. Once merged, all receipts, expenses, expense reports, invoices, bills, imported cards, secondary logins, co-pilots, and group workspace settings from both accounts will be combined into one account.

Merging two accounts is a permanent action that cannot be reversed. To merge a company and personal account, you must sign in to your company account and merge your personal account with it. You cannot merge a company account into a personal account, nor can you merge two different company accounts together if they are private domains.

Note: This process is currently not available from the mobile app and must be completed from the Expensify website.

  1. Log in to Expensify using the account you want to keep as the primary.
  2. Hover over Settings and click Account.
  3. Under Account Details, scroll down to the Merge Accounts section.
  4. Enter the email address or phone number associated with the account that you want to merge into this account.
  5. Select the “Yes, I understand this is not reversible” checkbox to agree.
  6. Click Merge Accounts.
  7. Check your email for the magic code sent from Expensify and copy the code.
  8. Paste the code into the field and click Merge.


What information merges into my new account?

All receipts, expenses, expense reports, invoices, bills, imported cards, secondary logins, co-pilots, and group workspace settings will be merged into your new account.

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